Friday, December 26, 2014

Salt Lake City - December 25th/26th 2014

Salt Lake City - Christmas Day, 2014
The forecast was for a white Christmas, and how right they were.  

We awoke Christmas morning to the sight of snow falling across the city.  How exciting, and what a bonus for the Ahearn boys as they head to Brighton for some snowboarding.  

For me it was to be a day inside, lazing, watching some telly, catching up on my blog. might even do some washing - why ......  because I don't like the cold or the snow!! 

the snow is so thick you can barely see the buildings that were so clearly visible yesterday, as for the mountains, they were impossible to see through the white

 the snow piling up in our hotel carpark and over the buildings next door
 they're back - and what a great time they had - Kash is sporting some amazing helmet hair!

Boxing Day 2014 - the snow has cleared and you can now see the hills - but it is still cold.  Time for me to do some shopping while the boys are off snowboarding in the mountains again today.

looking out from the front of our hotel

I headed to the local Walmart today.  Our hotel offered complimentary transport, so the lovely driver happily drove me over there, then I just called him when I was ready to get picked up.  Some great bargains were had, but I chose to only buy what I could carry - to limit the amount of money I would spend.  Some unreal Christmas bargains, that's for sure. 

Headed back to the hotel and organised our bags while waiting for the boys to get back from snowboarding.  Our flight leaves at midnight tonight - heading to Orlando, so I have organised our transport and we are ready to go.